What Is The Glowing Blue Waves

What Is The Glowing Blue Waves

When The Photos Speak

The shores of the Sea  gaining  magic  that makes it one of the most beautiful that can be seen on the planet, and increase this beauty shines while charming beach blue glowing:

إجعل الصورة تتحدث مدونة خواطر واحلام
No, it is a true picture of a beach in the Maldives, once the evening gleaming sands of the beach is amazing with blue stars to compete withZia!
The reason is the microscopic plants called plankton Vaitoblancton spread off the beach and the sand, and scientists believe it is strange glow in this way to frightenits enemies, if you're a predator, whoever I do not think I will eat a creature shines!

إجعل الصورة تتحدث مدونة خواطر واحلام
Another theory says that Alvaitoblancton use these self-lighting to attract otherpredators to protect the area its presence.
This phenomenon does not occur only in the Maldives, but also occur in theAfaragledz which is located in South Florida, USA, as evidenced by this photo:

إجعل الصورة تتحدث مدونة خواطر واحلام
This is another of California:

إجعل الصورة تتحدث مدونة خواطر واحلام

إجعل الصورة تتحدث مدونة خواطر واحلام

إجعل الصورة تتحدث مدونة خواطر واحلام
قول سبحان الله الذى لا اله الا هو
عـنـدمـا تـتـحــدث الـصـورة
